by Shelly C.
I bought this game on a whim because I've played Cranium with adults and thought it was great fun. Not only was this a fantastic way for me to have fun with my daughters, husband, and son, but contrary to what another reviewer suggested, this game was *completely* different from adult Cranium- except for the fact that this game is also incredibly fun. We had so much fun playing after dinner the other night that I looked up to discover that we had overshot bedtime by an hour and a half!

This game has a variety of activities you have to complete- a few familiar, but mostly totally new things to do. For example, you do hilarious stunts that make it possible for younger kids to have fun and make their contribution to the game in more than just a patronizing gesture. My team couldn't have won the game had my youngest daughter not been such a whiz at flipping those frogs. The kids also loved to watch my husband and I doing silly things like try to stack the cubes up with our elbows. I haven't laughed so hard with the kids all year! There are all new word games you play with letter dice and fun trivia. There's a great variety in the game- like Cranium- but the cards are totally different... I love that during the game each of my kids got their opportunity to contribute through an activity that they were particularly good at. I can't think of a time when $20 has brough more fun and entertainment to my family. I can't wait to give this to my sisters for Christmas so they can have as much fun with their families.
I found this From the Richard family
I've found ways to play Cranium with two or three people, so even if you can't find enough people for teams, you can still have fun. For a two-person game, just have the other person read your red and yellow cards to you, and for the blue and green cards, have them guess while you play. For your last question of the game, it can't be a blue or green card because it would be too easy. For three-person games it is very similar. The person to your left reads your red and yellow cards, and you play your green and blue cards while other players guess. Same rule applies to the last question."
I've found ways to play Cranium with two or three people, so even if you can't find enough people for teams, you can still have fun. For a two-person game, just have the other person read your red and yellow cards to you, and for the blue and green cards, have them guess while you play. For your last question of the game, it can't be a blue or green card because it would be too easy. For three-person games it is very similar. The person to your left reads your red and yellow cards, and you play your green and blue cards while other players guess. Same rule applies to the last question."
childhoodboardgames.com https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091220122229AACyMnj
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